Saturday, 15 January 2011

Wanted: Muslim, Dead or Alive! Very Dangerous

Wanted: Muslim, Dead or Alive! Very Dangerous

With all due respect this is to inform the whole world, that as it is a misconception about Muslims that Muslims are spreading terror all over the world. We would like to make it very clear to all of you that Islam is a Religion of Peace and it teaches the most peace full ways of living, ALLAH is most beloved to his creatures.
An insurrectionist who kills a noncombatant is a guilty to Islam, any kind of violence is a capital offense in the Islamic laws so surely one can say that any one who is responsible for killings of innocent people is not a Muslim and has denied to the words of Quran which says...

Off course there are some people using term of JIHAD for committing these attacks but they are totally unaware of the real soul of JIHAD and they are really abusing Islam by making this miss-perception that Muslims are terrorist. So, basically what we am trying to do by this letter is to reduce the stress among Muslims and other religions and would love to clear that Muslims are not terrorist. 

So please in the name of these few unaware Muslims don't regard all the Muslims as terrorist.


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