Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Top Ten Characteristics of Love

Top Ten Characteristics of Love
There is no fear in love. Perfect love knows no fear. Its epitome is to lay down your life for another. You're doing well if these characteristics are in your life.
1. Love is not selfish.
This one deserves top spot. When loving others you will always looks for the interests of others before your own concerns.
2. It is not demanding.
When you love someone you will offer, you will give, you will ask but you will never force your way or demand anything.
3. It is patient.
When you love you will not be in a hurry for the first two reasons are already in effect.
4. It is kind.
Words will be sweet and put a smile on any face. Kindness has won more influence than anything else.
5. It is not rude.
Indeed rudeness works its way deep into the human spirit as a sharp stabbing sword. Love on the other hands brings the best out of a person.
6. It holds no grudges.
You will quickly forgets that a wrong has occurred. Indeed it is said of love that it covers the multitude of sins.
7. It rejoices in truth.
A true characteristic of love. Nothing is more delightful than knowing and hearing truth, while being appalled at lies and misrepresentations.
8. It is loyal.
You cannot love for a short time and then stop. Love continues on no matter what the costs. Loyalty is a true test of love.
9. It endures all things.
It matters not what the conditions are, you will put up with anything. It is expressed in the common phrase of the wedding vows which says, 'for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death so us part'.
10. Love never fails.
It goes where none other dares to go; It will give its life


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