Saturday, 11 December 2010

Improve font display in window xp

Now you can improve font display in window XP. Window xp has ClearType, a Microsoft's anti-aliasing font display technology that can dramatically improves font display. but it isnt enabled by default in xp you have to enable it.

To enable ClearType:
1) Right click on the desktop, select Properties.
2) Go to Appearance, Effects and then select ClearType from the second drop-down menu.
3) Enable ClearType.

If you want to use ClearType on the Welcome login screen as well, follow these steps:

1) Go to run, type regedit.
2) regedit editor window appears here go to HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop/FontSmoothing.
3) Set value of FontSmoothing to 2.

It gives best results on laptop displays.


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