Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Art of Typewriter Drawing

The Art of Typewriter Drawing

I remember how I was happy when I got my first typewriter machine. I felt almost exactly same as when I got my first computer few years later. While I was entertaining myself with my brand new typewriter machine I used to try to draw some cubes or similar simple geometrical objects with it and it was almost as same exciting as creating first drawings with my computer.
Typewriters 1 The Art of Typewriter DrawingAll what I can say about that short-lasting experience with typewriter drawing is that it is not easy to make a drawing with it especially some more complex drawings which often require removing paper from typewriter machine for hundred times. This is a collection of paintings made by typewriter from different artists. Some of these are still popular amongst internet users and they’re used on forums or comment areas where attaching an image is forbidden.
Typewriters 15 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 13 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 12 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 10 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 9 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 8 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 7 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 6 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 5 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 4 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 3 The Art of Typewriter Drawing
Typewriters 2 The Art of Typewriter Drawing


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