Friday, 4 September 2009

People of India

Indian People

People of few countries in the world are as diverse and complex as India. People in various parts of India differ in culture, traditions, values, habits, lifestyles and food. Yet they are Indian and their Indian-ness can be instantly recognised. Way of living of Indian people has evolved with time. In past India came under various influences and all of them

Indian people speak 17 major languages which have 844 dialects. Sanskrit is the mother of most North Indian languages. Dravidian vernaculars have their own history. English is the language of official communication while Hindi, spoken by approximate 40% of the people, is the national language.

Indian people have rich literary heritage. Indian literature harks back thousands of years to the Vedic hymns. Ancient Indians had produced great works of philosophy and religious doctrine. Indian classics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vedas, Upnashiads, Panchatantra and teh Jataka tales are matchless. Sangam literature is the mirror of contemporary Tamil society. Kalidasa and Bhasa have produced some immortal literary works.

Family Values
Indian families have deep-rooted family values. The Indians look their parents and elders with regard. Family elders would greatly care about young ones. An Indian wife would serve here husband before she herself sits to eat. They believe in sharing their feelings, and stand behind each other in happiness and sorrow. They celebrate their festivals with lot of passion.


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